Humor and stuff title.

Perhaps you've been to the more "intellectual" parts of this site, or are perhaps in no mood to go to such a place. This section was made to provide a "warm and friendly" gesture within the site. My main goal is to be friendly in a funny way, whether by pun, by limerick, or by poem. However, some parts are actually more insightful than humorous.

There are terms that exist in everyday vocabulary, that, when examined more closely, can be quite humorous. The 2 types of terms I'm referring to are the oxymoron and the pleonasm.

a common everyday expression, that, when examined closely, reveals itself
as what could be called an unexpected "amusing contradiction"
a common everyday expression, that, when examined closely, reveals itself
as what could be called an unexpected "foolish redundancy"

freezer burn holy war cruel kindness
sweet sorrow jumbo shrimp idiot savant
bad health awfully good random order
adult children hard water six-pack abs
advanced calculus empty hole unexpected surprise
health food raw sushi to infinity and beyond
Disney World
in Orlando
past memories old fossils
the good Lord hate crimes linear time

There was a young lady named Bright,
Who traveled much faster than light.
  She started one day
  In the relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

The universe is God's Web site.

There once was a racist named Jack,
Who owned a canine named Mac;
  He went into shock,
  During a morning walk
When he realized his dog was black.

Zen story

The fool who knows he is a fool
Is that much wiser.
The fool who thinks he is wise
Is a fool indeed.
- the Dhammapada

The #1 misspelled word

God's Coffee Mug
space is coffee,
stars are cream,
and we're the sugar,
it would seem.

Why I believe the universe is
a giant coffee mug

"Sunday Morning

to take the
out of

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Looking Out:

I. The night sky shows its bright light
  Like the sun shines forth at noon;
But is what you see above a streetlight,
  Or is what you see the moon?

II. Moonlight arrives in about two seconds,
  While sunlight is nine minutes late;
Why, then, are sizes equal,
  At a distance four hundred times as great?

Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind.
- Zen saying

An actual college essay

We all know that the pessimist sees a
glass of water as 'half empty', and that the
optimist sees the glass as 'half full'.
What, though, if the glass is filled with poison?

is 99.9% enough?

To all insomniac computer hackers:
Can't sleep? Try counting sheep in binary!
Trust me, it's very effective.

Windows are to be looked through, not at.

alcohol - the moral anesthetic

Stuff to do

Happy that Friday is almost here?
Take note, if you will, that
the closer you get to Friday, the
closer you get to the next Monday!!

Life in an anti-universe

Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
- the Buddha

Clocks can be unfriendly,
  And time may not be nice;
Consider, though, life in a world
  In which everything happens twice.

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m o r e   h u m o r   &   s t u f f

To be or not to be.

To be or not to be.

Click arrow to return to opening screen.

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