
What do you see when you encounter two people in a heated debate? The people perhaps represent opposing viewpoints and intend to carry out the duel to its very end. What is it that fuels one to want to see his argument prevail - to be the one to acheive victory over the reasoning of the other? There happens to be a reality, in a manner of speaking, beyond what either side can conceive of - a reality that exists independently of any individual interpretation. The simple reason that points of view differ is because their viewpoints are, in a manner of speaking, from 'different angles' - just as two different photographs of the same object result in 2 different images. Each individual's 'system of belief' could be thought of, then, as imperfect "copies" of an unchanging foundation that could be called nothing less than the Actual. Why, then, would there be only one universe, but so many viewpoints? I suggest that we undergo a major change in how we analyze this situation. What we must become aware of is that amongst the conflict, amongst the competition, there exists a hidden, unseen element: the very ability to believe anything at all.

The human mind has the remarkable ability to produce a copy of the universe and from that form its own "miniature model" of the universe. This model can and does in fact differ from the 'miniature models' formed by other minds. What is interesting is the very fact that they differ! What is the factor responsible for this? What the human mind ends up doing is insisting that his own version of the universe is right - superior to all others. But perhaps this isn't bad - perhaps the individual, in proclaiming his own version of the universe, fits his own puzzle piece into the age-old, ever-growing collection of pieces making up that elusive, fleeting Cosmic Puzzle.

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