The world we live in, or perhaps the universe we live in, exists within a large spectrum of variety. Everything there is comes in a vast array of "flavors": Trees, language, faces. Animals, plants, races.
It's the same, even light-years into the cosmos - stars range from white dwarfs to supergiants. And galaxies - spiral, elliptical, you name it. Quarks, cultures, vehicles, religions, music, personalities, shoes. Emotions, voices, coffee, chairs, precious stones, computers, hats.
As you know, the prism is able to translate white light, into a spectrum of colors. No color is "better" than any other one - they are, by inner essence, equal.
This sublime beauty is nothing less than God manifesting Himself. As God makes Himself known in many ways, no one should ever look down upon another, nor should one ever be looked down upon. And in the process, try to imagine how boring a particular universe would be, if it had only one type of everything.
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