What are UFOs?

The presence of UFOs is one of the greatest mysteries of our time. How did UFOs get such status? What did UFOs do to get this kind of attention? Let us start from the beginning. What is a UFO? This can be a difficult question to answer - difficult in the sense that what we conclude as being a UFO, is in fact simply our own interpretation of what a UFO is. What a UFO actually is lies at a level beyond our reach. It is highly probable that throughout the history of mankind UFOs have been spotted, and their presence interpreted based on the belief system of that culture. It is equally likely that the belief systems exercised by these cultures differed from our own in many ways. How, then, do we define what a UFO is independently of any individual interpretation? UFO stands for unidentified flying object - which is a good educated guess of what a UFO is. The sky is the usual domain of all encountered UFOs. The classic sighting of a UFO, in turn, is from the ground. The typical UFO is a faint zigzagging object, usually diminished to a point, that is often observed to 'pop in and out' of the spatial plane from which it is being observed. UFOs are known to possess great agility and to be capable of tremendous speeds.

What interpretations exist (and have existed) concerning what a UFO is? As stated, our belief system determines how we will interpret what we encounter in the external world. Before the era of science, people had established several 'myths' - well-known to us - to explain natural occurrences. Unlike the laws we have in science, these myths involved human-like entities. For example, earthquakes may be the result of an underground stampede of cattle. Thunder, in turn, may be the result of someone clapping their hands. These myths made sense to the people at that time because it agreed with their belief system. These myths were the building blocks of reality in the sense that they were an individual's interpretation of the world based on the belief system active within his culture. That a myth will not be affected by one's belief system is unlikely. What would be a mythical interpretation of the appearance of a UFO? Perhaps to a belief system active ages ago, a UFO would be considered to be a magic spell cast by someone. Perhaps somewhere else, the UFO could be considered to be a giant flying fairy.

What of our own modern interpretation of what a UFO is? What of our own belief system? Do we have 'myths' of our own? The most recent myth to come about concerning UFOs is that UFOs are 'aliens from another planet'. Where did we obtain this myth? The obvious origin of this myth is the medium of science fiction. The belief system presented by science fiction offers ways of explaining the world, you see, just as myths did in the past. What evidence is there that this modern interpretation of UFO activity is a myth? It is simply a matter, take note, of distinguishing science fact from science fiction: why would intelligent beings advanced enough to travel light-years across space to our planet, dance around in the sky like UFOs do, instead of promptly introducing themselves to us? Or why, on the other hand, would they attempt to conceal themselves, and yet for some odd reason fail to do so at times? This argument speaks for itself. Does a better explanation of what UFOs are exist? There exists opinions and propositions about what UFOs could be, all individual interpretations of the matter. Let me present my own view, then, on the existence of UFOs.

Labeling UFOs as aliens from another planet is our interpretation of the situation based on our culture's belief system. What we need is an explanation of the UFO occurrence that agrees as much as possible with the behavior and properties presented by UFOs. In order to provide such an explanation, we must relate to something that we know very little about - which can be difficult. Take note that being in situations like our culture is in tends to make people overly open to suggestion. Ideas, for example, can appear to make sense simply because little or no alternative views exist. How do we approach the UFO concept properly? We must first think independently of any preexisting belief systems our culture has established. We must then approach the UFO concept 'from scratch', assuming at first to know nothing and then to build upon what we learn. The conclusions we come to, finally, are to be based upon rational, reasonable arguments. In review: UFO stands for unidentified flying object. The sky is the usual domain of all encountered UFOs. The classic sighting of a UFO is from the ground. The typical UFO is a faint, zigzagging object usually diminished to a point, that is often observed to 'pop in and out' of the spatial plane from which it is being observed. UFOs are known to possess great agility and to be capable of tremendous speeds.

Our best means of providing an explanation of the UFO concept is by relating UFOs to concepts we are already familiar with. As the means of doing so let us recall the myth our culture has established concerning UFOs: that UFOs are 'aliens from another planet'. What are aliens? Aliens are life - life that began supposedly on another planet as it did on ours, and evolved into intelligent creatures like ourselves. These creatures, if they existed, would be supposedly capable of building spaceships and travelling through space to other planets such as our own. My belief is that associating life with UFOs is a step in the right direction. The part I disagree with, however, is that the UFO is a constructed vessel built to contain passengers - as science fiction would have us believe. My belief is that the UFOs themselves are life - that what we label as a vehicle is in fact a lifeform. To better understand the situation, picture yourself looking through a microscope. Every now and then, a microscopic creature enters into the side of the circular viewing field, traverses a distance along the side of the field, and then leaves the circular viewing field. This can be a curious occurrence.

The question: what was it that was there for a second but now is gone? This situation is similar to our encounters with UFOs. We see UFOs 'pop in and out' of the spatial plane from which we observe the UFO. Somewhat awkwardly, the UFO enters into our plane, travels a distance forward through it, and then leaves our plane. Perhaps the UFOs are as confused as we are! These UFOs are not vessels containing passengers but are organisms - organisms that happen to have bumped into our spatial plane. What is nature trying to tell us in arranging these occurrences? Nature is telling us that just as creatures are capable of evolving and adapting to the conditions set down by land, sea, and air, creatures are capable of evolving and adapting to the conditions set down by the atmosphere of the earth, and beyond. Like all life, these creatures exist in all sorts of shapes and sizes. We have before us, in conclusion, a creature that has evolved into the next dimension - an entity that in bumping into our own spatial plane is perhaps encountering a plane that is as new to the creature as the creature is to us.

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