Light's Unchanging Speed

In being made more familiar with the theory of relativity there is a concept with which we must introduce ourselves. This concept is mass. In its simplest state, mass is made known simply as the presence of matter. There is, however, another means by which mass is observed to occur: massiveness can be induced by a state of motion. The faster an object moves, the more massive it could be considered to become. This is a key concept. In order to properly grasp the concept of mass there is a property of mass that we must be made familiar with: according to the theory of relativity, mass curves the surface surrounding it. It is the presence of this curvature of surface, in turn, that has pronounced effects on gravity and time - and is responsible for the occurrence of gravitational pull. How do we visualize this curvature of surface? To picture this curvature, imagine a thin outstretched latex sheet, held at its edges. Then imagine placing a baseball onto the sheet. The curvature the latex sheet undergoes in this description is an accurate portrayal of the physical curvature that occurs in reality. As you can see, the baseball 'sinks down' into the latex sheet, bringing the baseball down to a level below the level at which the latex sheet is being held. We will refer to this curvature of surface using the term 'curved sag'.

What is there about a 'curved sag' that we should know? A curved sag, first of all, possesses the ability to affect time. We know this, furthermore, because according to the theory of relativity, mass affects the passage of time. The time spoken of here is the time of the aging processes of the massive object associated with the curved sag. The curved sag, in being formed, provides the means by which this decrease in the object's rate of aging takes place. What are the details behind this process? When mass curves the surface surrounding it, first of all, that surface is acted upon: the mass "stretches the fabric" of the surface, take note, in a very specific way. Next, the incoming flow of time from outside the curved sag enters first into the curved sag, and then into the stretched surface. Finally, the physical configuration of the stretched curved sag "stretches out" the incoming flow of time as it approaches the object. Because the flow of time is reaching the massive object in this altered state, time affects the object differently than it normally would: time slows down. Let this present to us a clear picture of what mass is and does.

As we've learned, objects in motion age more slowly because the motion they have engaged in has made them more massive, which in turn results in the object being surrounded by a curved sag. The physical configuration of the curved sag, in turn, 'slows down' the flow of time to the object. What was nature's purpose in arranging things this way? That is, what purpose is achieved in slowing down the aging processes of objects in motion? What role could nature have intended for such a process? Let me state, firstly, that I believe that nature had a well-defined, designated purpose in setting up the laws of gravity and motion so that objects in motion become more massive. It is my belief, however, that the particular factor we refer to as decrease in the rate of aging of an object in motion was not part of that designated purpose: it is, for lack of a better term, a cosmic "side-effect". What do I mean by this? Nature, in setting up the laws of gravity and motion so that objects in motion become more massive, did not as the primary goal of that decision intend for the rate of aging of objects in motion to be slowed down. Nature had an alternate, separate higher purpose in mind - a purpose totally unrelated to an object's rate of aging. Mass, take note, is the medium by which nature has put this purpose into action. Awkwardly enough, however, nature, in using mass to achieve this purpose, used a medium that has the distinct tendency to affect the passage of time.

Given this information, then, what is the higher purpose nature had in making objects in motion to become more massive? In making objects in motion to become more massive, nature would be accomplishing 2 very important, very vital purposes. To understand the first purpose, we must first be aware that nature has a cosmic "speed limit" that it has set that it goes to the very limit to 'enforce'. This "speed limit" is the speed of light. Nature will not allow anything to travel faster than the speed of light. It is by means of the medium of mass, you see, that nature keeps objects below the speed of light. Given the laws of motion as nature has set them up, we find that the faster an object such as a spaceship travels, the more energy / effort there is that will be required to move it: in effect, nature makes the spaceship "heavier". As the spaceship continues to approach the speed of light, the spaceship becomes increasingly "heavy", and hence has greater difficulty in advancing onward, due to the energy / effort that it requires to be moved forward. The spaceship will never actually succeed in reaching the speed of light: before the spaceship ever reached the speed of light, nature would have made the spaceship so "heavy", that no amount of energy / effort could ever be sufficient in moving it!

Nature, then, has used the medium of mass to keep objects in motion from reaching the speed of light. Nature's choice of mass as the means of keeping objects from reaching this speed was an ideal choice because by its own fundamental nature, mass requires energy / effort to be moved. What better way to keep an object in motion from reaching a certain speed than by increasing the object's mass as the speed is approached? The second purpose nature had in making objects in motion to become more massive, can be considered to play a similar role of "cosmic enforcement". In this second purpose, light, rather than playing the somewhat stationary role of 'unreachable speed limit', now assumes the role that we observed the spaceship to play above: as an element of study engaged in a state of motion. In order to understand this second purpose, there exists 2 fundamental rules - both originating from concepts related to the theory of relativity - that must be made clear. The first rule states that light travels at an unchanging speed. The second rule is somewhat similar and states that light will always be measured to travel at a rate equal to its unchanging speed. Nature, as you will see, goes to the very limit to see that these rules are not broken.

The theory of relativity states that the speed of light will always be measured to be the same, regardless of one's speed and motion relative to the source of the light. In order to obtain a clearer picture as to the nature of this concept, we will create, out of its own necessity, our own artificial universe: a universe within which we can change the laws of gravity and motion at will, to suit the needs of the experiments we perform within it. The experiments we perform within this artificial universe will take us a step closer to understanding the measurement of light's unchanging speed. Assume that hovering about the outer space making up this artificial universe is a flying saucer. On a nearby planet is a giant light-emitting beacon. The flying saucer is stationary, hovering in place. The beacon shines its light at the flying saucer. Upon receiving the beam, at what speed would the flying saucer measure the beam of light to be travelling? The flying saucer would measure the beam of light to be travelling at exactly light-speed: because the flying saucer is not moving relative to the beam of light it is measuring, nothing exists that could alter the flying saucer's measurement of the beam of light.

The flying saucer now dashes toward the planet at half the speed of light, and while the flying saucer is engaged in this state of motion the beacon once again shines its light at the flying saucer. At what speed would the flying saucer measure the beam to be travelling now? What we know, firstly, is that the beam of light emitted from the beacon, upon being emitted, travels through space at exactly light-speed: light travels at an unchanging speed. When the beam comes in contact with the flying saucer moving toward the planet at half the speed of light, however, what we are calling a false measurement of the speed of light occurs: the flying saucer measures the beam of light to be travelling at one and a half times the speed of light. This measurement is, of course, "false" because a beam of light has been measured to travel at a speed other than the speed at which it is supposed to be measured to travel. The figure of one and a half times the speed of light was obtained by performing mathematical addition upon the speeds of the beam and the flying saucer - the standard procedure for combining the speeds of 2 entities moving towards each other.

The flying saucer is now moving away from the planet and the beacon at half the speed of light. The beacon now shines its light at the flying saucer. At what speed would the flying saucer measure the beam of light to be travelling now? Upon being emitted from the beacon, the emitted beam travels through space, as before, at exactly light-speed. Once the beam catches up with the flying saucer moving away from the planet, another false measurement of the speed of light occurs: this time, the flying saucer measures the beam of light to be travelling at half the speed of light. The figure of half the speed of light was obtained by subtracting the speed of the flying saucer from the speed of the beam of light - the standard procedure for combining the speeds of an entity in motion in a given direction and another entity following that entity from behind. As we've witnessed, 'false measurements' of the speed of light are possible within the artificial universe that we have been working with. Within a universe possessing laws of gravity and motion equivalent to that of our own universe, however, the occurrence of false measurements of the speed of light does not take place: in our universe, you see, nature goes to the very limit to see that light will always be measured to travel at a rate equal to its unchanging speed. Given that the experiments we have performed within this artificial universe have showed us how false measurements of the speed of light occur, how can we use this knowledge to understand how nature prevents such false measurements within the real world?

Given that false measurements of the speed of light occur within this 'artificial universe', you may reason, and do not occur within our own universe, what element is there active within our universe that the artificial universe lacks? As we've learned, nature uses the medium of mass to keep objects from reaching the speed of light: an object in motion approaching the speed of light will never reach the speed of light, because before the object would have ever reached light-speed, the object's state of motion would have increased the mass of the object to the point that the object would be so "heavy" that it could no longer advance forward. Nature uses mass to an equal extent when it comes to achieving its second purpose in increasing the mass of objects in motion: preventing false measurements of the speed of light. Mass, you see, possesses properties other than requiring energy / effort to be moved: by its own fundamental nature, mass curves the surface surrounding it. This curvature of surface takes the form of the curved sag that surrounds objects engaged in a state of motion, moving along with the objects as the objects travel forward. The curved sag surrounding objects in motion, then, is nature's answer to the issue of false measurement of the speed of light. The reason the flying saucer in the artificial universe made false measurements of the speed of light was because the flying saucer was not surrounded by a curved sag as a result of its state of motion (an occurrence linked to the configuration of the laws of gravity and motion active at that time within that particular universe). Had the flying saucer been surrounded by a curved sag, the false measurements of the speed of light would not have occurred. Nature's designated purpose for the entity we have come to know as the 'curved sag', then, is not necessarily to decrease the rate of aging of the object within the curved sag (a process that is actually a cosmic "side-effect" that occurs because nature, in using mass to fulfill its purposes, made use of a medium that has the distinct tendency to affect the passage of time). Nature, rather, in using the curved sag surrounding objects in motion to prevent 'false measurements' of the speed of light, provides the means by which the speed of light is measured to be the same by all observers, regardless of one's speed and motion relative to the source of the light. How, then, does this process work?

The topic of how a beam of light is measured brings forth several issues in need of discussion. The first step in addressing these issues involves specifying the method of action by which a curved sag accomplishes its purposes. When an object's state of motion increases that object's mass, the mass puts the object at the bottom of a curved sag that is observed to travel along with the object as the object engages in forward motion. To be at the bottom of a curved sag, take note, means to be surrounded on all sides by that curved sag, and to therefore be separated from the external world by means of the boundary that the curved sag forms in surrounding the object. Given that the object is surrounded on all sides by its curved sag, it is quite clear that no beam of light can reach the object without first passing through the object's curved sag. This argument presents to us a very important, very vital question: if incoming beams of light must first pass through the curved sag in order to reach the object, what effect does the curved sag have on these beams?

Answering this question involves referring to material from earlier in this writing. As you may quite clearly recall, before addressing the topic of measurement of the speed of light that we are engaged in right now, our studies involved a brief statement on issues concerning the passage of time. One of the key concepts we came across was that mass affects the passage of time. Our study of the passage of time, in turn, emphasized that where there is mass, there is logically a body or object behind the mass that is produced. The mass produced by the body or object, as you may recall, had a direct effect on the passage of time. How does mass affect time? The curved sag surrounding these bodies and objects - an occurrence due to their mass, as you may recall, was the active mechanism by which the passage of time was affected. Because the body or object lies at the bottom of a curved sag, the flow of time must first pass through the curved sag to reach the body or object. As the flow of time passes through the curved sag, the physical configuration of the curved sag begins to "stretch out" the flow of time, causing the flow of time to reach the body or object at a slower rate. In what further ways does a curved sag act upon the variables present? An effect similar to the how a curved sag affects the flow of time occurs with what we will refer to as a ticking clock in a state of motion. As stated, all objects, including ticking clocks, become more massive when in motion. Because the massive state induced by the ticking clock's motion produces a curved sag, the signal sent out from the clock at each tick is affected in the same way that a curved sag affects the incoming flow of time: the signal advancing outward from the clock is "stretched out" and is perceived to reach the observer at a slower rate. Upon observing how a curved sag "slows down" the flow of time and the observed ticking of a clock, we can therefore conclude that the entity we know as the curved sag possesses the ability to alter information passing through it.

The second step involved in addressing the issues brought forth by the topic of how a beam of light is measured consists of attempting to understand the very nature of what it means to measure a beam of light. How does measurement of a beam of light occur? As we've learned from the experiments we've performed, in order to measure a beam of light, one must come in physical contact with it. Could there exist a condition simpler than this? Yet the topic of how beams of light are measured can be tricky. As the means of becoming more familiar with the subject being discussed, consider the notion that everything we "see" is the result of beams of light from the external world coming in physical contact with our eyes: the brain, upon receiving the information provided by the beams, "creates" what we see. Objects you perceive as being "out there" are actually beams of light travelling over to your eye from the object and physically entering your eye. The properties of a curved sag, it would happen, are similar in many ways to how the visual perception associated with the eye functions. As with the eye and as with a curved sag, there is no such thing as a beam of light "out there". In order for the flying saucer's measurement of a beam of light to occur, the beam must enter the curved sag surrounding the flying saucer, pass through it, and make physical contact with the flying saucer. In effect, it is impossible to measure a beam of light physically external to one's curved sag. Given this, we can conclude as before that no beam of light can make physical contact with the flying saucer without first passing through the flying saucer's curved sag. In what way is this conclusion important?

Firstly, this conclusion gives us a hint as to how nature prevents false measurements of the speed of light: nature somehow acts upon incoming beams of light while they are passing through the curved sag, and in altering this information ensures that false measurements do not occur. Secondly, this conclusion aids in solving a well-known 'paradox' associated with relativity theory. As you may recall, observers will always measure the speed of light to be the same, regardless of one's speed and motion relative to the source of the light. However, if multiple observers of light originating from a common source are each moving relative to that light in different directions and at different speeds, how does the light behave so that it addresses all of the observers simultaneously? The answer is that it's not the light that does the work - it is the curved sag surrounding each observer that does the work: the curved sag puts into consideration the observer's speed and state of motion, and modifies the incoming beam of light based upon those factors so that the beam reaches the observer at exactly light-speed. Approaching this situation with the idea that the observers are all measuring a beam of light "out there" cannot help but result in a paradox.

As we've been made familiar, the entity we know as the curved sag possesses the ability to alter information passing through it. This ability is not limited to the "slowing down" of information. When called upon to do so, a curved sag is also capable of "speeding up" information passing through it. By 'flexing the fabric' of its physical configuration, the curved sag can switch from a fabric that "slows down" beams of light passing through to a fabric that "speeds up" beams of light passing through it. It's that simple, and is a property "built into" how a curved sag works. Given that before us lies the ability to increase and decrease the speed of beams of light passing through a curved sag, how is this ability put to use? In review: a curved sag is the result of the mass brought about by an object's state of motion. The faster this object travels, the deeper its curved sag will become. As a rule, the curved sag surrounding an object in motion will always possesses a degree of deepness equal in proportion to the speed of the object. Take note, then, that there is one unique curved sag depth for every possible flying saucer speed. This given curved sag depth is a curved sag depth fine-tuned to meet the needs brought upon by that corresponding flying saucer speed. To understand how this works, it must be realized that a curved sag's deepness has a special purpose: to inform incoming beams of light as to how they are to continue to behave as they approach the flying saucer. The beams themselves have no means of being aware of the speed of the flying saucer they are approaching, you see - their knowledge of the flying saucer's speed is dependent upon what they are 'told' by the curved sag they encounter. In fact, the beams of light are not aware that the flying saucer even exists until they come in contact with the flying saucer's curved sag. Upon reaching the given curved sag in motion, the speed of the beam is altered accordingly, and the beam of light proceeds forward through the curved sag at the speed specified by the curved sag.

Because we are now familiar with vital concepts centered around the measurement of beams of light, we will now take the next step in understanding this topic. This step consists of repeating the experiments performed earlier within our 'artificial universe'. This time, however, things will be different: we will configure the laws of gravity and motion of the artificial universe so that they are equivalent to the laws of our own universe. Doing so will allow us to address the specific details concerning how nature prevents false measurements of the speed of light. Once again, we are to assume that hovering about within the outer space making up this artificial universe is a flying saucer. On a nearby planet is a giant light-emitting beacon. The flying saucer is stationary, hovering in place. Because the flying saucer is stationary, no curved sag is therefore observed to surround it. The absence of the curved sag is no accident: no curved sag surrounds the flying saucer because the flying saucer, being stationary, has no need of a curved sag. False measurements of the speed of light are not possible when the performer of measurement is stationary. The beacon now shines its light at the flying saucer, and the flying saucer receives the beam, measuring the beam of light to be travelling at exactly light-speed - just as we witnessed earlier in a previous experiment involving similar circumstances.

As before, the flying saucer now dashes toward the planet at half the speed of light. Having engaged in a state of motion, the flying saucer is now surrounded by a curved sag that moves along with the flying saucer as the flying saucer travels forward. The beacon now shines its light at the flying saucer. The beam travels at exactly light-speed toward the flying saucer that is travelling toward the planet at half the speed of light. What we know, firstly, is that without a curved sag, a false measurement of one and a half times the speed of light occurs when the beam from the beacon comes in contact with the flying saucer. This does not happen now, however, because the flying saucer is surrounded by a curved sag. Having approached the flying saucer, the beam from the beacon now comes in contact with the flying saucer's curved sag. The deepness of the curved sag, fine-tuned in advance by the flying saucer's speed, promptly "informs" the beam of light as to the precise speed at which it is to advance forward. To understand how this speed is obtained, it must first be emphasized that the speed resulting from the false measurement involving the variables in current use - a figure of one and a half times the speed of light - exceeds the speed of light by means of a factor equal to half the speed of light - the figure by which the flying saucer's speed had affected its measurement of the beam of light when the false measurement was made. The curved sag's goal, take note, is to prevent this false measurement of the speed of light by "slowing down" the speed of the beam of light upon its arrival by means of a factor equal to the factor by which the false measurement exceeded the speed of light. This is exactly what takes place. After being "slowed down" by the curved sag, the beam of light advances forward at its designated speed, and proceeds to travel toward the flying saucer that is travelling toward the planet at half the speed of light. Now in its modified state, the beam of light comes in physical contact with the flying saucer. To determine the measurement the flying saucer performs upon the beam of light, we perform mathematical addition upon the speeds of the flying saucer and the beam - the standard procedure for combining the speeds of 2 entities moving towards each other. The figure we obtain from this calculation tells us that the flying saucer measures the beam of light to be travelling at exactly light-speed!

The flying saucer is now moving away from the planet at half the speed of light. Having engaged in a state of motion, the flying saucer is now surrounded by a curved sag that moves along with the flying saucer as the flying saucer travels forward. The beacon now shines its light at the flying saucer. The beam travels at exactly light-speed toward the flying saucer that is travelling away from the planet at half the speed of light. What we know, firstly, is that without a curved sag, a false measurement of half the speed of light occurs when the beam from the beacon catches up with the flying saucer. This does not happen now, as we are aware, because the flying saucer is surrounded by a curved sag. Having approached the flying saucer from behind, the beam from the beacon now comes in contact with the flying saucer's curved sag. The deepness of the curved sag, fine-tuned in advance by the flying saucer's speed, promptly "informs" the beam of light, as you may recall, as to the precise speed at which it is to advance forward. As you may already be aware, the speed resulting from the false measurement involving the variables in current use - a figure of half the speed of light - falls short of the speed of light by means of a factor equal to half the speed of light - the figure by which the flying saucer's speed had affected its measurement of the beam of light when the false measurement was made. The curved sag's goal, take note, is to prevent this false measurement of the speed of light by "speeding up" the speed of the beam of light upon its arrival by means of a factor equal to the factor by which the false measurement fell short of the speed of light. This is precisely what occurs. After being "sped up" by the curved sag, the beam of light advances forward at its designated speed, and proceeds to travel toward the flying saucer that is travelling away from the planet at half the speed of light. Now in its modified state, the beam of light comes in physical contact with the flying saucer. To determine the measurement that the flying saucer performs upon the beam of light, we subtract the speed of the flying saucer from the speed of the beam - the standard procedure for combining the speeds of an entity in motion and another entity following that entity from behind. The figure we obtain from this calculation tells us that the flying saucer measures the beam of light to be travelling at exactly light-speed!

What we've just covered tells us exactly how the speed of light is measured to be the same by all observers, regardless of one's speed and motion relative the the source of the light. The whole process, as we learned, is made possible by how a curved sag is capable of being 'adjusted' by the speed of the object in motion, and afterward by how the fine-tuned curved sag is capable of modifying the speed of incoming beams of light. Even if multiple observers exist in the presence of a source of light expected to address all of the observers simultaneously, the curved sag surrounding each individual observer presents the light to that observer in the way that it applies to him. Consider, if you will, the following notion: what if the observer himself were the source of the light that he was measuring? Yes, this is quite possible: what if the observer were attempting to measure beams of light that he himself was emitting? Answering this question first consists of determining in what ways being a sender of a beam of light (just proposed) is different from being a receiver of a beam of light (what we've already covered). Our means of doing so will be, once again, by means of performing experiments within our own 'artificial universe' - a universe within which we can change the laws of gravity and motion at will. Assume that positioned on the launchpad of a stationary space station is a landed spaceship. This spaceship is equipped with a laser gun. Being at rest on a flat surface, the spaceship is stationary. The spaceship shoots its laser gun in the direction in which it is facing. Upon being emitted from the laser gun, at what speed would the spaceship measure the laser beam to be travelling? The spaceship would measure the laser beam to be travelling at exactly light-speed: because the spaceship is not engaged in a state of motion, there is no way that it can alter the laser beam's rate of travel from light-speed - the speed that all light, when left undisturbed, assumes.

The spaceship now lifts off, leaving the ground and rising up into outer space. Having completed lifting off, the spaceship begins to accelerate forward. The spaceship accelerates until it reaches a speed of half the speed of light. While engaged in this state of motion, the spaceship shoots its laser gun in the direction equivalent to the direction in which it is travelling. At what speed would the spaceship measure the laser beam to be travelling? To determine the speed at which the laser beam exits the laser gun, we mathematically add the speed of the laser beam onto the speed of the spaceship - the standard procedure for calculating the speed of an entity ejected in the direction of travel. The resulting figure for the speed at which the laser beam exits the laser gun is one and a half times the speed of light. The beam departs, and continues onward into space at this speed. (Take note that this experiment is taking place within a universe in which curved sags do not surround objects in motion - hence why the laser beam exceeded the speed of light). The spaceship continues forward at half the speed of light in the direction that it is travelling. The laser gun has now been turned around and is now pointing in the direction directly opposite to the direction in which the spaceship is travelling. The spaceship now shoots its laser gun. At what speed would the spaceship measure the laser beam to be travelling now? To determine the speed at which the laser beam exits the laser gun this time, we subtract the speed of the laser beam from the speed of the spaceship - the standard procedure for calculating the speed of an entity ejected in the direction opposite to the direction of travel. The resulting figure for the speed at which the laser beam exits the laser gun is half the speed of light. The beam departs, and continues onward into space at this speed. (Once again, the reason the laser beam is travelling at a non-light speed is because the experiment is taking place within a universe in which curved sags do not surround objects in motion).

Now that we've witnessed how the spaceship's state of motion can alter the laser beam's rate of travel from light-speed (the speed that all light, when left undisturbed, assumes), we will now repeat the experiments just performed within a universe possessing laws of gravity and motion equivalent to the laws of our own universe - a universe in which curved sags surround objects in motion. Once again, we assume that positioned on the launchpad of a stationary space station is a landed spaceship. The spaceship, being on a flat surface, is stationary. The spaceship is not surrounded by a curved sag, take note, for the very reason that it doesn't need one. The spaceship shoots its laser gun in the direction in which it is facing. Upon emitting a laser beam from the laser gun, the spaceship measures the laser beam to be travelling at exactly light-speed: as stated, because the spaceship is not engaged in a state of motion, there is no way that it can alter the laser beam's speed.

As before, the spaceship lifts off, leaving the ground and rising up into outer space. Having completed lifting off, the spaceship begins to accelerate forward until reaching a speed of half the speed of light. Having engaged in a state of motion, the spaceship is now surrounded by a curved sag that moves along with the spaceship as the spaceship travels forward. While engaged in this state of motion, the spaceship shoots its laser gun in the direction equivalent to the direction in which it is travelling. Upon being emitted, the laser beam immediately enters into the curved sag, beginning its uphill journey toward the curved sag's outer edge that lies at the level of the surface above. What we know, firstly, is that without a curved sag, the laser beam would be travelling forward at one and a half times the speed of light. This does not happen, however, because the spaceship is surrounded by a curved sag: the deepness of the curved sag, fine-tuned in advance by the spaceship's speed, promptly "informs" the laser beam as to the precise speed at which it is to advance forward. To understand how this speed is obtained, it must first be emphasized that in a situation made up of the variables in current use where which a curved sag is absent, the laser beam, in departing from the spaceship, would exceed the speed of light by means of a factor equal to half the speed of light - the figure by which the spaceship's speed, in the absence of a curved sag, had earlier affected the speed of the spaceship's emitted beam. The curved sag's goal, take note, is to see that the laser beam is emitted from the laser gun at exactly light-speed. The curved sag accomplishes this purpose by "slowing down" beams as they are emitted from the laser gun by means of a factor equal to the factor by which they would exceed the speed of light in the absence of a curved sag. As a result, all beams exit the laser gun at exactly light-speed.

The spaceship continues forward at half the speed of light in the direction that it is travelling, and continues to be surrounded by a curved sag as a result of being engaged in that state of motion. The laser gun has now been turned around and is now pointing in the direction directly opposite to the direction in which the spaceship is travelling. The spaceship now shoots its laser gun. Upon being emitted, the laser beam immediately enters into the curved sag, beginning its uphill journey toward the curved sag's outer edge that lies at the level of the surface above. What we know, firstly, is that without a curved sag, the laser beam would be travelling forward at half the speed of light. This does not happen, however, because the spaceship is surrounded by a curved sag: the deepness of the curved sag, fine-tuned in advance by the spaceship's speed, promptly "informs" the laser beam as to the precise speed at which it is to advance forward. So that we can better understand the nature of this speed, it will be made clear that in a situation made up of the variables in current use where which a curved sag is absent, the laser beam, in departing from the spaceship, would fall short of the speed of light by means of a factor equal to half the speed of light - the speed by which the spaceship's speed, in the absence of a curved sag, had earlier affected the speed of the spaceship's emitted beam. The curved sag's goal, take note, is to see that the laser beam is emitted from the laser gun at exactly light-speed. The curved sag accomplishes this purpose by "speeding up" beams as they are emitted from the laser gun by means of a factor equal to the factor by which they would fall short of the speed of light in the absence of a curved sag. As a result, all beams exit the laser gun at exactly light-speed. Having covered material in situations giving the performer of measurement the role of both sender and receiver of a beam of light, we can claim to have been fully informed as to how nature goes to the very limit to ensure that light will always be measured to travel at a rate equal to its unchanging speed.

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